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After DDOS attacks, Blizzard rolls back Hardcore WoW deaths for the first time - Kims Media Press "Enter" to skip to content

After DDOS attacks, Blizzard rolls back Hardcore WoW deaths for the first time

World of Warcraft Classic‘s Hardcore mode has set itself apart from the average MMO experience simply by making character death permanent across the entire in-game realm. For years, Blizzard has not allowed any appeals or rollbacks for these Hardcore mode character deaths, even when such deaths came as the direct result of a server disconnection or gameplay bug.

Now, Blizzard says it’s modifying that policy somewhat in response to a series of “unprecedented distributed-denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks” undertaken “with the singular goal of disrupting players’ experiences.” The World of Warcraft developer says it may now resurrect Classic Hardcore characters “at our sole discretion” when those deaths come “in a mass event which we deem inconsistent with the integrity of the game.”

RIP OnlyFangs?

The high stakes inherent to WoW‘s Classic Hardcore mode have made it an appealing target for streamers and other online content creators looking to build an audience. Dozens of the most popular Hardcore WoW streamers have been gathering together as part of the OnlyFangs Guild, a group dedicated to the idea that “every decision matters and one mistake can mean the end of a character’s journey.”

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Source : https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2025/03/not-so-permadeath-blizzard-revives-hardcore-wow-characters-killed-by-ddos-attacks/