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All the things Nintendo didn’t tell us about the Switch 2 - Kims Media Press "Enter" to skip to content

All the things Nintendo didn’t tell us about the Switch 2

After literal years of speculation and leaks, it was nice to get an actual glimpse of the Switch 2 hardware (and its increased size) last week. But even with the console officially “revealed,” there’s still a wide range of important unknown Switch 2 details that Nintendo has yet to address.

As we wait for the company to dribble out additional information in the coming weeks and months, we thought we’d take a quick look at the biggest outstanding questions and concerns we still have about Nintendo’s next gaming platform, along with some analysis of what we know, what we can guess, and what we expect on each score.

Launch date?

The teaser trailer’s promise of a “2025” Switch 2 release technically covers any launch date between “tomorrow” and December 31. But we can probably narrow that window down a bit.

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Source : https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2025/01/all-the-things-nintendo-didnt-tell-us-about-the-switch-2/