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Blood Typers is a terrifically tense, terror-filled typing tutor - Kims Media Press "Enter" to skip to content

Blood Typers is a terrifically tense, terror-filled typing tutor

When you think about it, the keyboard is the most complex video game controller in common use today, with over 100 distinct inputs arranged in a vast grid. Yet even the most complex keyboard-controlled games today tend to only use a relative handful of all those available keys for actual gameplay purposes.

The biggest exception to this rule is a typing game, which by definition asks players to send their fingers flying across every single letter on the keyboard (and then some) in quick succession. By default, though, typing games tend to take the form of extremely basic typing tutorials, where the gameplay amounts to little more than typing out words and sentences by rote as they appear on screen, maybe with a few cute accompanying animations.

Typing “gibbon” quickly has rarely felt this tense or important. Credit: Outer Brain Studios

Blood Typers adds some much-needed complexity to that basic type-the-word-you-see concept, layering its typing tests on top of a full-fledged survival horror game reminiscent of the original PlayStation era. The result is an amazingly tense and compelling action adventure that also serves as a great way to hone your touch-typing skills.

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Source : https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2025/03/blood-typers-is-a-terrifically-tense-terror-filled-typing-tutor/