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Civilization VII preview: The most complete package since IV - Kims Media Press "Enter" to skip to content

Civilization VII preview: The most complete package since IV

Making the seventh Civilization game is a tall order. With six prior entries, each with a different flavor, it’s challenging to create a unique identity to get people to buy it while ensuring it’s familiar enough that it doesn’t drive longtime fans away.

This week, I spent 15 hours playing Civilization VII—which is slated for release next month—through two of its three ages: Antiquity and Exploration. That’s enough time to know that this is the most radical overhaul yet in a single new release without any expansions.

Regardless, my initial impressions are that this is also a return to form for the series. Like many others, I had many gripes about Civilization VI. To be clear, VII isn’t a reset to pre-VI times; many concepts introduced in VI (like the hex-based city district system) are revisited and refined here.

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Source : https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2025/01/civilization-vii-preview-a-new-age-for-a-storied-franchise/