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Curiosity spies stunning clouds at twilight on Mars - Kims Media Press "Enter" to skip to content

Curiosity spies stunning clouds at twilight on Mars

In the mid- and upper-latitudes on Earth, during the early evening hours, thin and wispy clouds can sometimes be observed in the upper atmosphere.

These clouds have an ethereal feel and consist of ice crystals in very high clouds at the edge of space, typically about 75 to 85 km above the surface. The clouds are still in sunlight while the ground is darkening after the Sun sets. Meteorologists call these noctilucent clouds, which essentially translates to “night-shining” clouds.

There is no reason why these clouds could not also exist on Mars, which has a thin atmosphere. And about two decades ago, the European Space Agency’s Mars Express orbiter observed noctilucent clouds on Mars and went on to make a systematic study.

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Source : https://arstechnica.com/space/2025/02/curiosity-spies-stunning-clouds-at-twilight-on-mars/