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Elizabeth Warren calls for crackdown on Internet “monopoly” you’ve never heard of - Kims Media Press "Enter" to skip to content

Elizabeth Warren calls for crackdown on Internet “monopoly” you’ve never heard of

US Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Congressman Jerry Nadler of New York have called on government bodies to investigate what they allege is the “predatory pricing” of .com web addresses, the Internet’s prime real estate.

In a letter delivered today to the Department of Justice and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, a branch of the Department of Commerce that advises the president, the two Democrats accuse VeriSign, the company that administers the .com top-level domain, of abusing its market dominance to overcharge customers.

In 2018, under the Donald Trump administration, the NTIA modified the terms on how much VeriSign could charge for .com domains. The company has since hiked prices by 30 percent, the letter claims, though its service remains identical and could allegedly be provided far more cheaply by others.

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Source : https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/11/elizabeth-warren-calls-for-crackdown-on-internet-monopoly-youve-never-heard-of/