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German startup to attempt the first orbital launch from Western Europe - Kims Media Press "Enter" to skip to content

German startup to attempt the first orbital launch from Western Europe

Isar Aerospace, a German startup founded seven years ago, is positioned to become the first in a new generation of European launch companies to reach orbit with a privately funded rocket.

The company announced Friday that the first stage of its Spectrum rocket recently completed a 30-second test-firing on a launch pad in the northernmost reaches of mainland Europe. The nine-engine booster ignited on a launch pad at Andøya Spaceport in Norway on February 14.

The milestone follows a similar test-firing of the Spectrum rocket’s second stage last year. With these two accomplishments, Isar Aerospace says its launch vehicle is qualified for flight.

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Source : https://arstechnica.com/space/2025/02/german-startup-to-attempt-the-first-orbital-launch-from-western-europe/