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Guidemaster: A quick gaming smartphone gift guide – Hot News Room Press "Enter" to skip to content

Guidemaster: A quick gaming smartphone gift guide

The main menu of Resident Evil Village visible on an iPhone 15 Pro Max, which is sitting on a hardwood surface

Enlarge / Resident Evil Village runs just well enough on the iPhone 15 Pro Max. (credit: Samuel Axon)

Look, if you’re going to play AAA and core games, you probably want to play on a gaming PC or a console. Let’s just get that right out of the way.

That said, Apple was trying to sell the potential of triple-A gaming on the iPhone 15 Pro this fall, and it’s not impossible to imagine.

A small selection of titles, including Resident Evil 4, Death Stranding, and Assassin’s Creed Mirage, are planned for the device. There’s some question as to whether battery life and thermal realities will make this practical, but the buzz has been enough that people have been asking me about it—including some friends, significant others, and parents to gamers who are doing some holiday shopping and want to make sure they get the right phone for their person.

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Source : https://arstechnica.com/shopping/2023/11/guidemaster-a-quick-gaming-smartphone-gift-guide/