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Hands-on: This 3.5-inch smart display makes my digital calendars more digestible - Kims Media Press "Enter" to skip to content

Hands-on: This 3.5-inch smart display makes my digital calendars more digestible

My preferred methods of organizing my schedule could be considered dated, so when I got a chance to try out a gadget meant to streamline my various digital calendars, I took it.

While I do use digital calendars and to-do lists, my go-to method for organizing my day’s tasks, goals, and upcoming events is pen and paper. I use paper calendars in agendas for a visual layout of events, including those as far away as next month. They give me a sense of control, as I’m able to highlight, circle, draw arrows, underline, erase, and so on. I also write more to-do lists than might be considered efficient (as evidenced by “make to-do list” being a frequent line on my to-do lists).

But there are many benefits to using tech for staying organized, too. With digital options, I can easily check my availability on the go with my phone and get alerts to remind me of events.

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Source : https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2025/02/streamlining-and-oversimplifying-my-online-calendars-with-a-3-5-inch-smart-screen/