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Surgeons remove 2.5-inch hairball from teen with rare Rapunzel syndrome - Kims Media Press "Enter" to skip to content

Surgeons remove 2.5-inch hairball from teen with rare Rapunzel syndrome

After a month of unexplained bouts of stomach pain, an otherwise healthy 16-year-old girl arrived at the emergency department of Massachusetts General Hospital actively retching and in severe pain.

A CT scan showed nothing unusual in her innards, and her urine and blood tests were normal. The same was found two weeks prior, when she had arrived at a different hospital complaining of stomach pain. She was discharged home with instructions to take painkillers, a medication for peptic ulcers, and another to prevent nausea and vomiting. The painkiller didn’t help, and she didn’t take the other two medications.

Her pain worsened, and something was clearly wrong. When she arrived at Mass General, her stomach was tender, and her heart rate was elevated. When doctors tried to give her a combination of medications for common causes of abdominal pain, she immediately vomited them back up.

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Source : https://arstechnica.com/health/2024/11/surgeons-remove-2-5-inch-hairball-from-teen-with-rare-rapunzel-syndrome/