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The 20 most-read stories of 2024 on Ars Technica - Kims Media Press "Enter" to skip to content

The 20 most-read stories of 2024 on Ars Technica

Hey, look at that! Another year has flown by, and I suspect many people would say “good riddance” to 2024.

The 2020s have been quite the decade so far. No matter what insanity has transpired by a particular December 31, the following year has shown up and promptly said, “Hold my beer.”

The biggest news at Ars in 2024 was our first site redesign in nearly a decade. We’re proud of Ars 9.0 (we’re up to 9.0.3 now), and we have continued to make changes based on your feedback. The best kind of feedback, however, is your clicks. Those clicks power this recap, so read on to learn which stories our readers found especially compelling.

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Source : https://arstechnica.com/staff/2024/12/the-20-most-read-stories-of-2024-on-ars-technica/