Buying a luxury designer handbag is an exciting moment in any shopper’s life. It’s also, undisputedly, a major investment. And with expensive purchases come very important decisions. If you’re planning to splurge on a high-end designer purse, first start by choosing a brand you love. While luxury powerhouses like Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Hermès are always a good choice, there are many other labels – new and old – that have introduced iconic everyday bag shapes. Once you’ve landed on a designer you love, look for a piece that retains its value if you ever want to resell on Depop, Poshmark, or the like.
To curate a list of bags that are bestsellers this season, we sourced data from go-to luxury resale sites
According to The RealReal’s 2023 Luxury Consignment Report, the resale values of classics from Hermès, Chanel, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton are beginning to level out, while affordable, trendier styles from Bottega Veneta, Prada, Miu Miu, Dior, and Valentino are seeing an uptick in demand. But that’s not to say the aforementioned brands don’t have pull. Rebag’s Elizabeth Layne says Hermès, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel are still at high retention value, according to the site’s
All experts tell POPSUGAR that neutral colorways are likely to get higher offers at time of resell. But whether you choose to hold onto your prized possession forever or relist it later on, any of the 14 accessories here may be right for you.
Ahead, read up on the best handbags to invest in this year, from the Fendi Baguette to the Saint Laurent Loulou; the Loewe Puzzle to the Telfar Shopper.
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