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There’s a battery bigger than in most BEVs inside the Ramcharger hybrid - Kims Media Press "Enter" to skip to content

There’s a battery bigger than in most BEVs inside the Ramcharger hybrid

Ram’s 1500 Ramcharger goes on sale later this year, and the company is taking a slightly different approach to its electrified truck than rivals Ford and General Motors, which both now offer battery electric pickups. The Ramcharger will be a range-extended EV, albeit one with more lithium-ion on board than most BEVs have.

Honestly, pickup trucks are a poor candidate for electrification, at least while we’re still firmly in early adopter territory. The instant and impressive torque from an electric motor is great, but the shape of a cab and bed is inherently draggy in a way that few other vehicles are, a problem exacerbated by whopping great frontal areas.

But the pickup truck is also the most popular kind of vehicle in the US, and the industry has tried very hard to convince itself and everyone else that pickup buyers could seamlessly adopt electric powertrains en masse. That way, everyone in America could drive an EV, climate change would go away, and no one would have to consider changing their lifestyle or taking a bus to work.

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Source : https://arstechnica.com/cars/2025/02/theres-a-battery-bigger-than-in-most-bevs-inside-the-ramcharger-hybrid/