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US senators sent a letter Monday to Tesla CEO Elon Musk, saying they were “incredibly troubled” by reports that Tesla uses arbitration clauses in consumer and employee contracts to evade public accountability for rampant workplace discrimination and shocking vehicle safety flaws.
“We are deeply concerned that the arbitration agreements you impose on your workers and consumers have kept these reportedly deplorable and discriminatory conditions and potential safety flaws from the public eye and limited regulatory authorities’ ability to protect Tesla customers and employees and hold Tesla publicly accountable,” the lawmakers wrote.
Their letter starts by describing reports of allegedly racist and sexist worker conditions. Black Tesla employees, the senators say, are confronted by racial slurs “as often as 50 to 100 times” daily and are reportedly racially segregated by Tesla management to work only in “the lowest-level and most physically demanding roles.” Black workers also reported facing retaliation, on top of allegedly “being disproportionately disciplined and demoted.” Meanwhile, female Tesla employees are “allegedly groped” and reportedly have been fired after complaining about harassment.
Source : https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/05/us-senators-call-teslas-safety-review-a-sham-demand-answers-from-musk/